SGZ1617 2 2

Going Home

Discharge home

Prior to discharge, you will receive discharge information to help answer any questions you may have.

You may receive a prescription for additional medications.

You will be provided with advice regarding caring for your wound at home.

Your clinician will discuss your discharge date and instructions with you.

If you are required to stay overnight, a discharge home will typically be between 9am and 10am. For Day Surgery procedures a member of the Hospital team will contact your support person to advise when you are ready for discharge (please note, depending on the time of your procedure, discharge home following day surgery may be in the evening to enable sufficient time for your initial recovery).

Please ensure you have an adult accompany you home and that will stay with you for the first night following your procedure.

For the first 24 hours after an anaesthetic, patients are advised NOT to:

  • Drive a motor vehicle
  • Operate machinery
  • Drink alcohol
  • Sign documents or make important decisions

Return to work advice will be provided by the clinician after your follow-up appointment.

St George’s Hospital does not provide accident and emergency care. Contact your clinician or general practitioner immediately for advice if you become unwell or have concerns.

If you experience shortness of breath, chest pain or excessive bleeding, please call 111.